コレクション: メラトニン ベイプ フォー スリープ

Caffy Bar® Melatonin Vape の紹介 - 目指す より良い睡眠をサポートし、睡眠習慣を管理し、落ち着きをもたらす。 メラトニンは、睡眠潜時の開始を減らし、睡眠の有効性を高め、睡眠時間を延長します。メラトニン ベイプ ディフューザーを使用すると、微量栄養素を錠剤、錠剤、または飲料の形で摂取するよりもはるかに速く効果的に吸収できます。


The information presented on this website and Caffy Bar's various web properties, including the products mentioned, have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, and they are not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease or condition. If you experience any side effects or potential side effects from using the product, it is essential to stop using it immediately and consult with your healthcare provider. You are responsible for any adverse effects that may result from incorrect handling or consumption of the product, and if you are pregnant or nursing, you should seek the advice of a healthcare professional before using it. Additionally, the product should be kept out of reach of children and pets.